
2019 Summer Camp – Poetry + Creative Writing

Program Dates

7.1.2019 – 7.10.2019 (10 Days)

Program Instructors

Barry K. ( U.S.A.)

University of California, Berkeley – Bachelor of Arts in English

University of Montana – Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Austin Peay State University – Creative Writing Professor

Published books include: “The Baker’s Boy” and “From the San Joaquin”

Barry grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA. He taught English writing and literature at Nankai University in China in the 1980s, and since 1994, he has been a creative writing professor at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. In 2013, Barry was awarded a Creative Writing Fellowship in fiction from the National Endowment of the Arts. He has also served as a reader and judge, as they awarded Individual Artists Grants for Creative Writing in 2017. Previous prominent NEA fellowship recipients include such notable authors as Jeffrey Eugenides, Oscar Hijuelos, Alice Walker, William Kennedy, and Bobbie Ann Mason. In addition to being a university professor, Barry also taught and advised in the Tennessee Young Writers Workshop for six years. Two years ago, he began a program of bringing selected students into the process of editing their literary journal Zone 3 Magazine.

Jessica B. (U.S.A.)

Cornell University – Bachelor of Arts in English

Wesleyan College – Assistant at Summer Poetry Workshop

Published works in: The Cornell Review, Kitsch Magazine, and The Cornell Daily Sun.

Jessica Brofsky earned her B.A. in English summa cum laude from Cornell University in 2018. While focusing on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics, she took creative writing courses—including an advanced workshop at Harvard University—and assisted a summer poetry workshop at Wellesley College. As an undergraduate, she wrote for Cornell’s poetry review, features magazine, and daily newspaper. Her short fiction and poetry is published in After Happy Hour Review, where is the river :: a poetry experiment, and notes.

Camp Activity Coordinators

Mitchell W. (Canada)

University of Toronto – Master of Arts in Teaching

Veronica D. (U.S.A.)

Cornell University – Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations

Princeton in Asia x The Linden Centre – Fellowship

Recruitment Information

Ages:10 -15 (If children of other ages are interested, please contact us directly)

Location:Xizhou, Dali

Program Capacity:14

Program Costs:13,500 RMB (Includes tuition fees, meals, and room & board; does not include transportation to and from camp)

Click here to sign up!



a. Early Bird Discount, 5% off if you sign up before May 15, 2019.

b. Group Discount, 5% off (for groups of 5-8), 10% off (for groups of more than 8)

c. Returning participants of previous Linden Centre camps are entitled to an extra 5% off.

Contact Information

Phone Number:+86(0)872-2452988

Education Customer Assistance WeChat: