
The Linden Centre Newsletter Winter,2020


A journey back to Jeanee’s ancestral roots: a future Centre site?

Jeanee的寻根之旅: 喜林苑新址“剧透”

Over one hundred years ago, Jeanee’s ancestors emigrated to the United States. Their ancestral homes still remain nestled in the verdant rice fields 100 miles west of Guangzhou (Canton). Many of the early Chinese immigrants sent back pictures of the unique buildings they saw overseas along with the money they saved. Their relatives built homes in the styles of these photos, creating a unique blend of Western and Chinese architecture known in Chinese as the Diaolou- the watchtowers.


For the past five years, we have been discussing the potential restoration and repurposing of some of these UNESCO World Heritage Site structures with the regional governments. We have visited hundreds of potential sites and have identified a village of 30 empty structures located less than one kilometer from Jeanee’s great grandfather’s birthplace that may serve as a future Linden Centre destination.

Last week, we visited the region again to discuss some of the final development ideas. We will keep everyone informed of the progress of this important friendship project.




Notes from our annual lecture series


We recently completed a two week series of lectures throughout Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Guangzhou. The talks focused on the social impact of our expanding projects. We delivered talks to community groups, government officials, business schools, and at the American Chambers of Commerce. Our story remains the same: a desire to promote people-to-people exchange during a time of increasing political polarization.


While in Shanghai, a collection of Hopkins Nanjing graduates got together for a memorable dinner. American Consul General Jim Heller, former American Chamber of Commerce President Ken Jarrett, and an impressive group of China experts discussed the current state of relations between China and America and what we all could do to facilitate more discussions and cultural interactions.

在上海期间,约翰•霍普金斯大学-南京大学中美文化研究中心的部分毕业生们齐聚一堂,共度了一场令人难忘的晚餐。美国驻上海总领事Jim Heller、上海美国商会前主席Ken Jarrett,以及一群令人印象深刻的中国专家们,共同就现阶段中美关系展开了讨论,其中一个重要命题便是,我们能做些什么来促成更多开放的讨论和文化的交流。



A glimpse of Yunnan and beyond


The Centre has been highlighted in numerous television and social media postings during the past few months. Brian’s interview with his friend, Brian Wong, the founder of the RADII media group and former Alibaba VP, captures the mission of the Centre, while our coverage of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers for Chinese national television shows the respect with which China views our projects. Click on the links to see videos in English and Chinese.

在过去几个月中,喜林苑在许多电视节目和社交媒体曝光中收获了关注。Brian接受了他的好朋友、RADII China创始人、阿里巴巴前副总裁Brian Wong的专访,讲述了喜林苑的愿景与使命。此外,还有由央视新闻国际报道组拍摄制作的Brian人物故事专题片,以及由人民日报英文版带来的沿着黄河与长江拍摄而成的纪录片,这些都展示出了中国对于我们所做项目的认可与尊重。(点击下面的链接可观看中英双语影片)



2021 will be extremely busy!

2021, 会很忙碌!

We expect our Shibaoshan National Park project to open in February and our Suzhou Dongshan complex to open in April. Brian’s book will be published in early May and we will be doing a series of book tours just before and after the publication. We are evaluating new projects in Chengdu, Fujian Province, and the aforementioned Diao Lou site.


We have yet to take on private investors and instead are relying on our own financial wherewithal and government funding to grow. We remain optimistic that 2021 will bring positive changes to all of us.


Please stay safe, warm, and healthy!


We miss all our international friends and family!


Brian and Jeanee